Hydraulic Machines Easy to Make With Popsickle Sticks

25 makerspaces stem projects activities

Makerspace or STEM projects for kids don't have to be complicated or expensive.  In fact, some of the best projects use recycled or repurposed items like cardboard or soda bottles which means nothing to buy.

Below, we've compiled some of our favorite projects that are great for makerspaces.

Learn how to make a boat out of a soda bottle, create a car from cardboard and many more.

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Pizza Box Simple Circuit

Build a simple circuit using a pizza box (no soldering required)

makerspace STEM projects & activities

Circuit Tiles

Create circuit tiles which are interchangeable blocks used to form different circuits.

makerspace STEM projects & activities

How To Make a Frog Robot

Using a simple hobby motor and cardboard, you can make a frog robot that is very entertaining.

Foam Boat w/ DC Motor

Learn how to make this simple foam boat with dc motor and homemade propeller.

Simple Electric Mini-Car

These battery powered cars are super fun and can be made with a few basic parts.

Paper Circuits

Paper circuits are a really great way to learn the basics of circuits and electricity.  Make light-up greeting card and more.

How To Make a Bristlebot

These bristlebots are a smaller version of the brushbot and use toothbrush heads and vibrating motors.

bristlebot stem makerspace activities projects

Soda Bottle Airplane

Make a flying airplane using cardboard, a coke bottle and a DC hobby motor.  Really cool !

Build a Junkbot

Create a vibrating and moving junkbot using everyday "junk" or items in your recycle bin.

Vibrobot From Spare Parts

Vibrobots are tiny robots powered by a vibrating motor.  Design your own using scrap materials and spare parts.

vibrobots stem makerspace projects


Create this wobblebot and you will always have a best friend.

makerspace project stem activities

9V Electric Battery Car

Make this super fast mini electric car using a 9v battery as the chassis. Experiment with designs to make it go faster.

9v mini electric car makerspace projects

Make a Simple Motor

Learn the basics of how a DC motor works by creating your own simple motor.

make a simple dc motor

LED Popsicle Flashlight

Make your own simple LED flashlight using popsicle sticks and copper tape.  Learn how circuits and switches work.

simple led popsicle flashlight

Electric Bottle Car

Create this electric bottle car by reusing bottles and other recyclable materials.

electric bottle car stem makerspace projects

Rubber Band Helicopter

This rubber band helicopter is simple and easy to create.  Once you build one, you can experiment with other designs.

stem makerspace projects rubber band car

Make a Marble Run

Marble runs are like an amusement park for marbles.  Here are 10 marble runs you can create at your makerspace.

marble runs

Simple Hydraulic Machine

Create this simple hydraulic machine using a plastic syringe for the lift mechanism.  Learn about a hydraulic system.

hydraulic machine stem makerspace projects

Squishy Circuits

Using conductive and insulating dough, you can create squishy circuits that light-up, move and make noise.

squishy circuits makerspace stem activities projects

Cardboard Furniture

This cardboard chair project is a great way to recycle and re-purpose cardboard into functional furniture.

cardboard chair makerspace stem projects

Make a Scribble Bot

These scribble bots are also known as scribble machines and are great for STEAM /Art activities.

scribble bots stem activities

Build a Brushbot

Brushbots are a simple, fun type of robot that you can build out of arts and crafts materials.

brushbot makerspace STEM projects

Simple STEM Boats

Here are 3 simple STEM boats that don't need a DC motor.  Learn how to make a putt-putt, paddle and balloon-powered boat.

simple stem boats makerspace and stem projects

Cardboard Hydraulic Arm

Make your own cardboard hydraulic arm that focuses on the principles of hydraulic movements.

makerspace STEM projects & activities hydraulic arm

Show Us Your Project !

If you made one of these projects or are working on something else, tweet us at @Makerspaces_com

Makerspaces.com was built to help schools and libraries start and run their own makerspaces. We truly believe that adding a makerspace to a school or library can help students acquire the skills needed for the 21st century.


Source: https://www.makerspaces.com/25-makerspace-projects-for-kids/

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